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Marketing Measurement and Optimization


Axafina Marketing Sciences is a leader in marketing analytics delivered as a service to help measure and optimize investments in advertising, promotion, direct marketing, price, innovation and other elements of the marketing mix. Using time series econometrics and other sophisticated analytic techniques, Axafina Marketing Sciences helps marketing teams to measure the effectiveness of their investments and plan and forecast optimized investment programs into the future.

Marketing optimization capabilities and services are available with highly trained in-country teams as well as at regional and global levels. Projects and services are provided through unique, Internet-enabled dashboards that promote broader usage across teams and facilitate historical analysis as well as scenario planning.

Why Axafina

To support successful MROI initiatives, Axafina offers a range of assets, capabilities and personnel. We have cross-functional teams of industry-specific strategists, cross-industry MROI specialists, econometricians and change management professionals. With us, you get a unique combination of:

  • Cross-industry expertise
  • Collaboration skills
  • Global reach
  • Tangible assets and methodologies

These assets help us deliver MROI initiatives that will establish greater profit margins and transform your business.

Axafina's end-to-end marketing and media return-on-investment capabilities support:

  • Data Integration—We identify, collect, cleanse, format and align internal and external sales and marketing data sources.
  • Harmonized Data Intelligence Centers—We organize, harmonize and stage information and data sources in an easy-to-access information repository designed to support specific user and departmental needs.
  • Marketing Modeling Capabilities—Collaborative development of historical and predictive models enable more accurate forward-looking planning and forecasting.
  • Sales and Marketing Dashboards Reports and Alerts—Forward-looking diagnostic insights and tools improve decision making throughout the organization—by portfolio, brand, product, promotion, campaign, channel or geography.
  • Marketing and Media Simulation and Optimization—Powerful simulation and optimization tools provide predictive insights into specific results that generate increased revenue, profits, share and productivity.
  • Planning and Forecasting—Optimized results support improved plans and forecasts.
  • Training, Education, Assimilation, Transformation—We integrate repeatable, continuous and predictive marketing and media insight delivering value along the route.


  • Marketing Investment Portfolio Optimization helps companies to arrive at correct marketing budget globally, in each region, across countries and in each product category. Portfolio optimization also optimizes investment between direct product marketing and overarching brand advertising. This marketing portfolio optimization is driven by combination of actual measurement of historic marketing performance, market trend data and the company's management knowledge about future market events.
  • Marketing Mix Optimization suggests the best allocation of marketing investment across marketing channels—mass media (TV, Internet, newspapers, radio, outdoor, etc.), direct communication (mail, e-mail, mobile, etc.), point of sale marketing, promotions, sales force and other marketing vehicles. This optimization is informed by measurements of historic marketing responsiveness and is adjusted for anticipated changes. We incorporate forecasting in the optimization by applying our Future-view method—a proprietary process in which we extract client management's knowledge about the future and transform historic marketing responsiveness estimates to incorporate anticipated future events.
  • Marketing Campaign Optimization lets us help our clients to design effective and efficient marketing campaign plans. We use measured performance results from historic campaigns to create the most effective and efficient marketing activities. We help our clients to find the "sweet spot" in media weights and timing by ensuring that the communication level is large enough to break through the market clutter and at the same time does not waste money by pushing investments into diminishing returns.

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